Monday, December 15, 2014

Facebook friends

I am a self published author trying to get my book the Dream a Walker land of Mystica series out there. In this process, I have received many friend requests from fellow authors. My family for some odd reason has asked me to unfriend them. Why? There are no posts my family or my children can't see. Just authors connecting. I think it is so cool to connect with people fellow writers from around the country and world. What better way to get tips on writing, publishing, marketing, than from other self published authors?

No one seems to want to support this dream I have or let me support it. If you are not going to tell people about my book or buy it, please leave me alone to friend who I like and market as I see fit.

I must be doing something right. My sequel the dream Walker returns Is being requested by book blogs book reviewers.

I hope this story takes off and a publisher picks it up.

I thought about making another facebook profile just for my author friends but I have trouble enough with my page and my books page keeping up with posts.

Wonder what they would say if they find out about this blog?

It is very frustrating I have put my own needs wants dreams aside I dropped out of college to raise my boys. I love them more then life itself but it's time for me to pursue my dreams now, yet I am told I am selfish. I am judged without knowing all the facts. I am doing this in my own time keeping spending down to covers and editing. I am marketing on free sites such as facebook and Twitter in writers groups and goodreads.

I believe in my writing and story

Why can't they?